Saturday, August 05, 2006

This is my dearest friend Amy's firstborn son Josiah. I'm so proud of her----oh, not that I'm not proud of the rest of you who gave birth to kids, but---I knew her for so long, and we practically grew up in college together. It's kind of strange to see her turn mother, 'cos I can't help remembering our days together when we were still college kids.

Now, seeing her son just makes my heart melt. He's so cute! A cross between mother (who is so cute herself) and dad who is the spitting image of Andy Lau. I miss them both really. And definitely missing out on being there for them whilst they're going thru all the early stages of parenthood.

To Amy: I wish I'm there! Would have loved to hug Josiah, and pinch his cheeks---heehee! No guesses where that urge comes from...haha! Just keep on enjoying life, don't give up on yourself...all mothers go through that phase. I might not have been a mother, but I have enough mothers around me to tell me so...haha. I luv ya!


Cynthia雯 said...

That was very encouraging. She will be encourage. Though U r far away, ur heart is still wif us. =)

dorcas said...

gosh... the baby is super cute...!!