Thursday, April 20, 2006

You know, I think my husband is one of the funniest people in the world! If only people could live in the same household as me, they'd never believe how funny he can be. If you don't know him and meet him for the first time, you'd probably describe him as quiet, calm, solemn, serious, perhaps a little eccentric, has a strong disposition and altogether the type of guy you'd just leave alone to sit in his own little corner. But if you know him like I do, he's full of antics, every moment bursting forth with some silent joke, so subtle that you might miss it if you weren't listening carefully, hence, I call them 'silent jokes'. We once attended drama class from Luwei School of Drama, and he'd never be able to act properly in front of others. He just simply wouldn't get into his act, so to speak, either laughing or forgetting his lines, or simply freezing on the spot. However, once he got home and was with me alone, he becomes this crazy creature that is able to act out his part like nobody's business. He can sing, dance, prance around the room, do goofy acts, do the Hoola Hoop, you name it, he can do it. And his moves are so, SOOOO, funny. I laugh everytime I think of some of Don's Funniest Home Videos...really. Sometimes, I sit at my work desk and remember something he'd done last night and I can't quit smiling to myself. It doesn't help that my desk faces everyone else in the division. They must think I'm mad. And they might think I'm not working. Sigh!

See all these pictures. He's just so creatively funny. It's amazing! I love him to bits. Couldn't wish for a better partner in life. And to think I married him not for love, but simply to run away from my family. God is good! I'd told God I don't care who I married, I just wanted to get married and get away from all my family squabbles. They're getting too violent for my comfort. I thought then that if I find I didn't like whoever I married, I could always divorce. And by then, I would have my own place, and can live independently of my family. So, it was like,"here goes nothing"! There was nothing to lose, everything to gain...and Praise the Lord! I've gained so much from the marriage! He turned out to be so much more than I could ever think, or ask! God is amazing...I don't know how He does it, but He does it all the time. He takes the weak to shame the wise, He always upholds, always brings us to greater heights. He never puts us to shame, always patient with us, always keeping us in His hands. We try to jump out of his arms sometimes, but He always holds us steady. God is amazing! I'm glad God always kept me in His loving arms. I would have gone so far astray if not.


dorcas said...

wow, dat was some sharing! esp de part where marriage was juz an escape pod for u then. wat a wonderful testimnony to His glory!

Ezekiel - Beloved of God said...

hahaha.....those pictures really funny especially the first one, don is really funny and creative. btw, poh, i really enjoying reading the sharings that u have at ur blog, hope that u'll continue to update ur blog even when u r at overseas, so we can know how u and don r doing over there. oh yeah, i've added ur blog at my link, hope u don't mind =]

abi =>

jOHnsOn 强 said...

thank you for everything.we will miss u all too. will
keep in touch by blogging.

jOHnsOn 强 said...

the matrix guy is solid man. wahaha....
director lee also not bad. keep up the good work, Don.