Sunday, March 19, 2006

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Great! After an emotionally uptight day, my sweet hubby has decided to cheer me up by teaching me how to create my own blog. So here goes. Rejecting hormonally induced tears of depression, I plummet my concentration towards getting this blog set-up right. I felt so stupid, I couldn't quit crying. I just felt really bad. It's just one of those things about being a woman. You get these horrid cycles of awful feelings in your gut, that spews out with no rhyme or reason. And they screw you from the inside out. I tried to shut out the feelings, and I'd learnt to do so over the years, so much so that now I just cry without even knowing why. The tears just flow, even in front of the public, and I'm totally helpless to scoop them back into my eyes. Sigh, I needed a dose of Pastor Prince's sermons. And I did get a good dose of it in the car on my way back from my singing classes. I clung onto the words of God that came out of my car CD player. "Tell God how you feel, if you feel sad and you are asked to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, and it's 11, tell God exactly how bad it is. He won't fall off His throne. He loves us as His children, and love to hear us tell Him exactly how we feel...God hears our prayers, even when they are uttered as groans" Pastor Prince's words rang in my head, penetrating through my depression and my spirit reached out and swalllowed them voraciously. I cried out through my tears and sobbed, "Father!" That was all I could manage. It was enough. I reached my HDB car park before the sermon finished but I sat there numbed, listening, receiving, until the sermon ended. I came out of the car feeling stronger, less tearful and more in control of my emotions. God loves me, that's all I care. Nothing else in this world matters.


Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! Most of us care. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here! Dry your eyes and type your thoughts to send them into cyberspace, it's kinda like praying!

Me Naughty Kat said...

Thanks Sonny Shine! My hubby was just asking me to inform all my friends about my new blog and I was squirming at the thought of everyone finding out how I felt, when your comment came through. I was actually quite encouraged by your words. I didn't even think anyone would read it. I guess that's what blogging is all about. Alright, to all who know me , here's my blog-site :).

dorcas said...

hey, i always love hearing good honest sharing. i mean, things aren't rosy all the time, and it's great to know you're not into it for painting a pretty (or false) picture of your life. the Lord walks us through every step and helps us grow in adversity. He is faithful, amen!