Thursday, July 27, 2006

Best shots taken this morning at Tybee Island. After weeks of being cooped up in my rented room with the only outing being to Kroger's (grocery store) every day and church every Sunday, my feelings of boredom were beginning to get to me. Just yesterday, I was reduced to counting the number of times I bit my lip throughout the day. So when Tracy sent me an email to ask if I were to go to Tybee Island for a few hours to chill out, it was like "Hallelujah, I am getting out of here!"

For those of you who know me, I've hardly ever spent a single day in Singapore at home. Now, without a car, I'm suddenly behaving like a handicapped person. I suppose I could take a bus, but it will be so boring to go anywhere alone. I guess, it's not only just the going out, I needed to talk to people. Thank God He heard me!

Don didn't come with me as he had class, but I needed to get a life! I always loved the beach, the sea and the whole idea of people lying half-naked exposing themselves to the deadly sunbeams----it just gives me a kick. I was running all over the beach, chasing unsuspecting egrets, frightening tiny fishes swimming at my legs in the shallow waters and posing for shots whenever I saw a stranger who looked like they could take a good photo. Before all that, of course, I had first smeared myself with my Sun Play Perfect Shield boasting a good SPF130. I hate getting sunburnt, and nothing less than SPF130 will do for me despite all that people say SPF 30 was good enough. If they haven't gone out in the sun before, they don't know what they are talking about. Believe me, the SPF130 is what you need under the sun, and SUNPLAY is a really good brand to use.

True enough, I was hardly scathed under the scorching sun that afternoon, except for my lower back, which I, unfortunately, failed to reach properly and went rather red from all the floating around in the sea on my belly whilst chirping happily to Tracy.

At this very moment, I still can't believe how much fun and relaxation I had at the beach today. This is a naughty Kat's life, indeed! I can't wait for the next outing. I'm going to plan for a trip to Jekyll Island next. Till then....


Me Naughty Kat said...

Me too. I smooth it in to all parts of exposed body actually. Especially when I used to go dragon boat rowing. I can't afford to be changing make-up foundation all the time!!!

Anonymous said...

ok, i try using it the next time i get under the sun ya. BaoBao, you look slim in the pics ya, the place look nice. i can imagine how you feel cuz although i am only a few days here but i felt a bit boring liao. bao Bei go training and me at home, too cold to go out. play some computer game, do some office work..........days just passes.