Monday, June 19, 2006

Uprooting oneself from your comfort zone is never easy. But I believe the Lord has been speaking to us through Pastor Prince's message for the last half a year. He kept on exhorting the congregation to move out of our comfort zones and into the land flowing with milk and honey. I believe God is telling Don and myself that it's time to move out, so He can bless us with even more! So, as I looked at the little keepsake notebook that Justine and Verna gave to us as a parting gift, I knew exactly the verse to be printed on the front. I added the prayer of Jabez to the first print page. I want to remember everyday, be revived in my soul with the knowledge that the Lord is ever ready to bless us indeed and increase our territory; that we would have wealth we would never run out of and health to enjoy every moment of it all. So when we meet with the little thorns in life, we don't feel like we are alone and that no one, not even God, is anywhere to be found. To think that God is not in control of our lives ever, is a strange thought, for God is God. Even if we were burgled, robbed, facing possible failures in our careers, being spat upon by relatives and looked down by society, we must be clear in our minds that these things are not purposed by God but by satan.

After all these years of listening to Pastor Prince, I think the one thing that I learnt was that if we ever come to a place where we think we've got it sorted, that we have our act together, this place is the most dangerous place and the one that is surely leading to some sort of failure.

Yesterday, I came across a Chinese Proverb (don't ask me what it is in Chinese, cos I don't know, I read it in English!). It carried a statement I quite well agree. It read,"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I write and I understand." I thought that that had always been kind of true for me, which was why I started writing down Pastor's sermons about 2 years back, in my own words, of course. I realised it was quite futile just listening to tapes, or watching him on video. I needed to write it all down, point by point, for myself to digest my broken trail of thoughts and assemble them into meaningful applications for myself.

By making my own notes, my own little drawings, I understand the principles of God better. We're so blessed to have Pastor Prince to preach to us. His words are really words of life, because only words of life can change people's lives. I do not know how Don and my life would be had we not sat under his teaching and put everything he said to good use.

Don is definitely not the man I married, and neither am I the woman he married. Both of us have changed our minds about so many things, it is in fact, quite impossible to meet up with old friends of the past and have them believe it's the same 2 people, just with our central nervous sytem totally upgraded and allocated with much more space for future upgrading :). I used to hate myself and was depressed most of the time, but now, I love myself to bits because I know that Jesus's blood has washed me so clean that there is now, no more, never again, condemnation for me by anyone, any being or anything, till the day Jesus comes again and takes us all to the ever-blessed land of God :). This, is the power of God to change anyone's life.


dorcas said...

praise the Lord for the courage n revelations u received. i have yet to take that bold step in faith, guess i'm a bit of a slow learner in dat area, haha....wif de tendency of falling back into my comfort zone... but i'll not be far behind, by God's grace! i love yr sharing! shalom...!!

Vacationist said...

Praise Jesus! I totally agreed about stepping out of comfort zone and that is when you realise that we are far too comfortable at where we are and we might have missed out more blessings that God want to pour into our life.

The Lord your God will never leave you nor forsake you.