Monday, December 11, 2006

Five months into the Southern American life, we got immersed in the American culture when we got invited to a Christmas-cum-graduation party in a local Savannahian's home. The invitees were to wear gordy Christmas sweaters and the guy in the white pullover sitting in the front on the far right won first prize for the tackiest outfit...he had sewn stockings and multi-coloured rubies all over his woolly..haha! Good one!

The food was great too. A huge spread of cheeses, cookies, brownies, cakes, nuggets, tortilla chips and cheesy seafood dips -- ooooh, all the sinful delights on earth, my kind of food: cheesy stuff -- it was a great start to our trip to Florida after the party. We were going to set off after the party at about 10pm. It would be a five hour drive, but the food would fuel us most of the way!

The guy in the centre of the photo is Joo Sung, a humourous character from Korea. We're fast becoming good friends despite our language barriers as he is really funny and easy-going, no airs and flairs. He is learning to speak English from us, whilst we're learning Korean from him.